Emergent Mind


Detection of pulmonary nodules on chest CT is an essential step in the early diagnosis of lung cancer, which is critical for best patient care. Although a number of computer-aided nodule detection methods have been published in the literature, these methods still have two major drawbacks: missing out true nodules during the detection of nodule candidates and less-accurate identification of nodules from non-nodule. In this paper, we propose an automated pulmonary nodule detection algorithm that jointly combines progressive resolution and hierarchical saliency. Specifically, we design a 3D progressive resolution-based densely dilated FCN, namely the progressive resolution network (PRN), to detect nodule candidates inside the lung, and construct a densely dilated 3D CNN with hierarchical saliency, namely the hierarchical saliency network (HSN), to simultaneously identify genuine nodules from those candidates and estimate the diameters of nodules. We evaluated our algorithm on the benchmark LUng Nodule Analysis 2016 (LUNA16) dataset and achieved a state-of-the-art detection score. Our results suggest that the proposed algorithm can effectively detect pulmonary nodules on chest CT and accurately estimate their diameters.

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