Emergent Mind

ResNet with one-neuron hidden layers is a Universal Approximator

Published Jun 28, 2018 in cs.LG and stat.ML


We demonstrate that a very deep ResNet with stacked modules with one neuron per hidden layer and ReLU activation functions can uniformly approximate any Lebesgue integrable function in $d$ dimensions, i.e. $\ell_1(\mathbb{R}d)$. Because of the identity mapping inherent to ResNets, our network has alternating layers of dimension one and $d$. This stands in sharp contrast to fully connected networks, which are not universal approximators if their width is the input dimension $d$ [Lu et al, 2017; Hanin and Sellke, 2017]. Hence, our result implies an increase in representational power for narrow deep networks by the ResNet architecture.

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