Emergent Mind

Random Shuffling Beats SGD after Finite Epochs

Published Jun 26, 2018 in math.OC and stat.ML


A long-standing problem in the theory of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is to prove that its without-replacement version RandomShuffle converges faster than the usual with-replacement version. We present the first (to our knowledge) non-asymptotic solution to this problem, which shows that after a "reasonable" number of epochs RandomShuffle indeed converges faster than SGD. Specifically, we prove that under strong convexity and second-order smoothness, the sequence generated by RandomShuffle converges to the optimal solution at the rate O(1/T2 + n3/T3), where n is the number of components in the objective, and T is the total number of iterations. This result shows that after a reasonable number of epochs RandomShuffle is strictly better than SGD (which converges as O(1/T)). The key step toward showing this better dependence on T is the introduction of n into the bound; and as our analysis will show, in general a dependence on n is unavoidable without further changes to the algorithm. We show that for sparse data RandomShuffle has the rate O(1/T2), again strictly better than SGD. Furthermore, we discuss extensions to nonconvex gradient dominated functions, as well as non-strongly convex settings.

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