Emergent Mind

On consistent estimation of the missing mass

Published Jun 25, 2018 in math.ST , stat.ML , and stat.TH


Given $n$ samples from a population of individuals belonging to different types with unknown proportions, how do we estimate the probability of discovering a new type at the $(n+1)$-th draw? This is a classical problem in statistics, commonly referred to as the missing mass estimation problem. Recent results by Ohannessian and Dahleh \citet{Oha12} and Mossel and Ohannessian \citet{Mos15} showed: i) the impossibility of estimating (learning) the missing mass without imposing further structural assumptions on the type proportions; ii) the consistency of the Good-Turing estimator for the missing mass under the assumption that the tail of the type proportions decays to zero as a regularly varying function with parameter $\alpha\in(0,1)$. In this paper we rely on tools from Bayesian nonparametrics to provide an alternative, and simpler, proof of the impossibility of a distribution-free estimation of the missing mass. Up to our knowledge, the use of Bayesian ideas to study large sample asymptotics for the missing mass is new, and it could be of independent interest. Still relying on Bayesian nonparametric tools, we then show that under regularly varying type proportions the convergence rate of the Good-Turing estimator is the best rate that any estimator can achieve, up to a slowly varying function, and that minimax rate must be at least $n{-\alpha/2}$. We conclude with a discussion of our results, and by conjecturing that the Good-Turing estimator is an rate optimal minimax estimator under regularly varying type proportions.

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