Emergent Mind


Abasi et al. (2014) and Gabizon et al. (2015) studied the following problems. In the $r$-Simple $k$-Path problem, given a digraph $G$ on $n$ vertices and integers $r,k$, decide whether $G$ has an $r$-simple $k$-path, which is a walk where every vertex occurs at most $r$ times and the total number of vertex occurrences is $k$. In the $(r,k)$-Monomial Detection problem, given an arithmetic circuit that encodes some polynomial $P$ on $n$ variables and integers $k,r$, decide whether $P$ has a monomial of degree $k$ where the degree of each variable is at most~$r$. In the $p$-Set $(r,q)$-Packing problem, given a universe $V$, positive integers $p,q,r$, and a collection $\cal H$ of sets of size $p$ whose elements belong to $V$, decide whether there exists a subcollection ${\cal H}'$ of $\cal H$ of size $q$ where each element occurs in at most $r$ sets of ${\cal H}'$. Abasi et al. and Gabizon et al. proved that the three problems are single-exponentially fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) when parameterized by $(k/r)\log r$, where $k=pq$ for $p$-Set $(r,q)$-Packing and asked whether the $\log r$ factor in the exponent can be avoided. We consider their question from a wider perspective: are the above problems FPT when parameterized by $k/r$ only? We resolve the wider question by (a) obtaining a $2{O((k/r)2\log(k/r))} (n+\log k){O(1)}$-time algorithm for $r$-Simple $k$-Path on digraphs and a $2{O(k/r)} (n+\log k){O(1)}$-time algorithm for $r$-Simple $k$-Path on undirected graphs (i.e., for undirected graphs we answer the original question in affirmative), (b) showing that $p$-Set $(r,q)$-Packing is FPT, and (c) proving that $(r,k)$-Monomial Detection is para-NP-hard. For $p$-Set $(r,q)$-Packing, we obtain a polynomial kernel for any fixed $p$, which resolves a question posed by Gabizon et al. regarding the existence of polynomial kernels for problems with relaxed disjointness constraints.

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