Emergent Mind


We present a new data-driven video inpainting method for recovering missing regions of video frames. A novel deep learning architecture is proposed which contains two sub-networks: a temporal structure inference network and a spatial detail recovering network. The temporal structure inference network is built upon a 3D fully convolutional architecture: it only learns to complete a low-resolution video volume given the expensive computational cost of 3D convolution. The low resolution result provides temporal guidance to the spatial detail recovering network, which performs image-based inpainting with a 2D fully convolutional network to produce recovered video frames in their original resolution. Such two-step network design ensures both the spatial quality of each frame and the temporal coherence across frames. Our method jointly trains both sub-networks in an end-to-end manner. We provide qualitative and quantitative evaluation on three datasets, demonstrating that our method outperforms previous learning-based video inpainting methods.

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