Emergent Mind

Are good local minima wide in sparse recovery?

Published Jun 21, 2018 in cs.CV and math.OC


The idea of compressed sensing is to exploit representations in suitable (overcomplete) dictionaries that allow to recover signals far beyond the Nyquist rate provided that they admit a sparse representation in the respective dictionary. The latter gives rise to the sparse recovery problem of finding the best sparse linear approximation of given data in a given generating system. In this paper we analyze the iterative hard thresholding (IHT) algorithm as one of the most popular greedy methods for solving the sparse recovery problem, and demonstrate that systematically perturbing the IHT algorithm by adding noise to intermediate iterates yields improved results. Further improvements can be obtained by entirely rephrasing the problem as a parametric deep-learning-type of optimization problem. By introducing perturbations via dropout, we demonstrate to significantly outperform the classical IHT algorithm, obtaining $3$ to $6$ times lower average objective errors.

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