Emergent Mind


We provide the first asynchronous distributed algorithms to compute broadcast and minimum spanning tree with $o(m)$ bits of communication, in a graph with $n$ nodes and $m$ edges. For decades, it was believed that $\Omega(m)$ bits of communication are required for any algorithm that constructs a broadcast tree. In 2015, King, Kutten and Thorup showed that in the KT1 model where nodes have initial knowledge of their neighbors' identities it is possible to construct MST in $\tilde{O}(n)$ messages in the synchronous CONGEST model. In the CONGEST model messages are of size $O(\log n)$. However, no algorithm with $o(m)$ messages were known for the asynchronous case. Here, we provide an algorithm that uses $O(n{3/2} \log{3/2} n)$ messages to find MST in the asynchronous CONGEST model. Our algorithm is randomized Monte Carlo and outputs MST with high probability. We will provide an algorithm for computing a spanning tree with $O(n{3/2} \log{3/2} n)$ messages. Given a spanning tree, we can compute MST with $\tilde{O}(n)$ messages.

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