Emergent Mind

A Tunable Measure for Information Leakage

Published Jun 8, 2018 in cs.IT and math.IT


A tunable measure for information leakage called \textit{maximal $\alpha$-leakage} is introduced. This measure quantifies the maximal gain of an adversary in refining a tilted version of its prior belief of any (potentially random) function of a dataset conditioning on a disclosed dataset. The choice of $\alpha$ determines the specific adversarial action ranging from refining a belief for $\alpha =1$ to guessing the best posterior for $\alpha = \infty$, and for these extremal values this measure simplifies to mutual information (MI) and maximal leakage (MaxL), respectively. For all other $\alpha$ this measure is shown to be the Arimoto channel capacity. Several properties of this measure are proven including: (i) quasi-convexity in the mapping between the original and disclosed datasets; (ii) data processing inequalities; and (iii) a composition property.

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