Emergent Mind

Lightweight Stochastic Optimization for Minimizing Finite Sums with Infinite Data

Published Jun 8, 2018 in cs.LG , math.OC , and stat.ML


Variance reduction has been commonly used in stochastic optimization. It relies crucially on the assumption that the data set is finite. However, when the data are imputed with random noise as in data augmentation, the perturbed data set be- comes essentially infinite. Recently, the stochastic MISO (S-MISO) algorithm is introduced to address this expected risk minimization problem. Though it converges faster than SGD, a significant amount of memory is required. In this pa- per, we propose two SGD-like algorithms for expected risk minimization with random perturbation, namely, stochastic sample average gradient (SSAG) and stochastic SAGA (S-SAGA). The memory cost of SSAG does not depend on the sample size, while that of S-SAGA is the same as those of variance reduction methods on un- perturbed data. Theoretical analysis and experimental results on logistic regression and AUC maximization show that SSAG has faster convergence rate than SGD with comparable space requirement, while S-SAGA outperforms S-MISO in terms of both iteration complexity and storage.

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