Emergent Mind

Stein Variational Gradient Descent Without Gradient

Published Jun 7, 2018 in stat.ML and cs.LG


Stein variational gradient decent (SVGD) has been shown to be a powerful approximate inference algorithm for complex distributions. However, the standard SVGD requires calculating the gradient of the target density and cannot be applied when the gradient is unavailable. In this work, we develop a gradient-free variant of SVGD (GF-SVGD), which replaces the true gradient with a surrogate gradient, and corrects the induced bias by re-weighting the gradients in a proper form. We show that our GF-SVGD can be viewed as the standard SVGD with a special choice of kernel, and hence directly inherits the theoretical properties of SVGD. We shed insights on the empirical choice of the surrogate gradient and propose an annealed GF-SVGD that leverages the idea of simulated annealing to improve the performance on high dimensional complex distributions. Empirical studies show that our method consistently outperforms a number of recent advanced gradient-free MCMC methods.

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