Emergent Mind

Multiobjective Test Problems with Degenerate Pareto Fronts

Published Jun 7, 2018 in cs.NE and math.OC


In multiobjective optimisation, a set of scalable test problems with a variety of features allow researchers to investigate and evaluate the abilities of different optimisation algorithms, and thus can help them to design and develop more effective and efficient approaches. Existing test problem suites mainly focus on situations where all the objectives are fully conflicting with each other. In such cases, an m-objective optimisation problem has an (m-1)-dimensional Pareto front in the objective space. However, in some optimisation problems, there may be unexpected characteristics among objectives, e.g., redundancy. The redundancy of some objectives can lead to the multiobjective problem having a degenerate Pareto front, i.e., the dimension of the Pareto front of the $m$-objective problem be less than (m-1). In this paper, we systematically study degenerate multiobjective problems. We abstract three general characteristics of degenerate problems, which are not formulated and systematically investigated in the literature. Based on these characteristics, we present a set of test problems to support the investigation of multiobjective optimisation algorithms under situations with redundant objectives. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first one that explicitly formulates these three characteristics of degenerate problems, thus allowing the resulting test problems to be featured by their generality, in contrast to existing test problems designed for specific purposes (e.g., visualisation).

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