Emergent Mind

Minimax Learning for Remote Prediction

Published May 31, 2018 in cs.IT and math.IT


The classical problem of supervised learning is to infer an accurate predictor of a target variable $Y$ from a measured variable $X$ by using a finite number of labeled training samples. Motivated by the increasingly distributed nature of data and decision making, in this paper we consider a variation of this classical problem in which the prediction is performed remotely based on a rate-constrained description $M$ of $X$. Upon receiving $M$, the remote node computes an estimate $\hat Y$ of $Y$. We follow the recent minimax approach to study this learning problem and show that it corresponds to a one-shot minimax noisy source coding problem. We then establish information theoretic bounds on the risk-rate Lagrangian cost and a general method to design a near-optimal descriptor-estimator pair, which can be viewed as a rate-constrained analog to the maximum conditional entropy principle used in the classical minimax learning problem. Our results show that a naive estimate-compress scheme for rate-constrained prediction is not in general optimal.

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