Emergent Mind

Privacy Under Hard Distortion Constraints

Published May 31, 2018 in cs.IT and math.IT


We study the problem of data disclosure with privacy guarantees, wherein the utility of the disclosed data is ensured via a \emph{hard distortion} constraint. Unlike average distortion, hard distortion provides a deterministic guarantee of fidelity. For the privacy measure, we use a tunable information leakage measure, namely \textit{maximal $\alpha$-leakage} ($\alpha\in[1,\infty]$), and formulate the privacy-utility tradeoff problem. The resulting solution highlights that under a hard distortion constraint, the nature of the solution remains unchanged for both local and non-local privacy requirements. More precisely, we show that both the optimal mechanism and the optimal tradeoff are invariant for any $\alpha>1$; i.e., the tunable leakage measure only behaves as either of the two extrema, i.e., mutual information for $\alpha=1$ and maximal leakage for $\alpha=\infty$.

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