Emergent Mind


Tensor CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) decomposition is an important tool that solves a wide class of machine learning problems. Existing popular approaches recover components one by one, not necessarily in the order of larger components first. Recently developed simultaneous power method obtains only a high probability recovery of top $r$ components even when the observed tensor is noiseless. We propose a Slicing Initialized Alternating Subspace Iteration (s-ASI) method that is guaranteed to recover top $r$ components ($\epsilon$-close) simultaneously for (a)symmetric tensors almost surely under the noiseless case (with high probability for a bounded noise) using $O(\log(\log \frac{1}{\epsilon}))$ steps of tensor subspace iterations. Our s-ASI method introduces a Slice-Based Initialization that runs $O(1/\log(\frac{\lambdar}{\lambda{r+1}}))$ steps of matrix subspace iterations, where $\lambdar$ denotes the r-th top singular value of the tensor. We are the first to provide a theoretical guarantee on simultaneous orthogonal asymmetric tensor decomposition. Under the noiseless case, we are the first to provide an \emph{almost sure} theoretical guarantee on simultaneous orthogonal tensor decomposition. When tensor is noisy, our algorithm for asymmetric tensor is robust to noise smaller than $\min{O(\frac{(\lambdar - \lambda{r+1})\epsilon}{\sqrt{r}}), O(\delta0\frac{\lambdar -\lambda{r+1}}{\sqrt{d}})}$, where $\delta_0$ is a small constant proportional to the probability of bad initializations in the noisy setting.

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