Emergent Mind

A Case for Variability-Aware Policies for NISQ-Era Quantum Computers

Published May 25, 2018 in quant-ph and cs.ET


Recently, IBM, Google, and Intel showcased quantum computers ranging from 49 to 72 qubits. While these systems represent a significant milestone in the advancement of quantum computing, existing and near-term quantum computers are not yet large enough to fully support quantum error-correction. Such systems with few tens to few hundreds of qubits are termed as Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum computers (NISQ), and these systems can provide benefits for a class of quantum algorithms. In this paper, we study the problems of Qubit-Allocation (mapping of program qubits to machine qubits) and Qubit-Movement(routing qubits from one location to another to perform entanglement). We observe that there exists variation in the error rates of different qubits and links, which can have an impact on the decisions for qubit movement and qubit allocation. We analyze characterization data for the IBM-Q20 quantum computer gathered over 52 days to understand and quantify the variation in the error-rates and find that there is indeed significant variability in the error rates of the qubits and the links connecting them. We define reliability metrics for NISQ computers and show that the device variability has the substantial impact on the overall system reliability. To exploit the variability in error rate, we propose Variation-Aware Qubit Movement (VQM) and Variation-Aware Qubit Allocation (VQA), policies that optimize the movement and allocation of qubits to avoid the weaker qubits and links and guide more operations towards the stronger qubits and links. We show that our Variation-Aware policies improve the reliability of the NISQ system up to 2.5x.

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