Emergent Mind


In computer vision domain, how to fast and accurately perform multiview stereo (MVS) is still a challenging problem. In this paper we present a fast yet accurate method for 3D dense reconstruction, called AMHMVS, built on the PatchMatch based stereo algorithm. Different from the regular symmetric propagation scheme, our approach adopts an asymmetric checkerboard propagation strategy, which can adaptively make effective hypotheses expand further according to the confidence of current neighbor hypotheses. In order to aggregate visual information from multiple images better, we propose the multi-hypothesis joint view selection for each pixel, which leverages a cost matrix based on the multiple propagated hypotheses to robustly infer an appropriate aggregation subset parallel. Combined with the above two steps, our approach not only has the capacity of massively parallel computation, but also obtains high accuracy and completeness. Experiments on extensive datasets show that our method achieves more accurate and robust results, and runs faster than the competing methods.

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