Emergent Mind

Distributed Approximation of Minimum $k$-edge-connected Spanning Subgraphs

Published May 20, 2018 in cs.DS and cs.DC


In the minimum $k$-edge-connected spanning subgraph ($k$-ECSS) problem the goal is to find the minimum weight subgraph resistant to up to $k-1$ edge failures. This is a central problem in network design, and a natural generalization of the minimum spanning tree (MST) problem. While the MST problem has been studied extensively by the distributed computing community, for $k \geq 2$ less is known in the distributed setting. In this paper, we present fast randomized distributed approximation algorithms for $k$-ECSS in the CONGEST model. Our first contribution is an $\widetilde{O}(D + \sqrt{n})$-round $O(\log{n})$-approximation for 2-ECSS, for a graph with $n$ vertices and diameter $D$. The time complexity of our algorithm is almost tight and almost matches the time complexity of the MST problem. For larger constant values of $k$ we give an $\widetilde{O}(n)$-round $O(\log{n})$-approximation. Additionally, in the special case of unweighted 3-ECSS we show how to improve the time complexity to $O(D \log3{n})$ rounds. All our results significantly improve the time complexity of previous algorithms.

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