Emergent Mind

Maximizing Expected Impact in an Agent Reputation Network -- Technical Report

Published May 14, 2018 in cs.AI and cs.MA


Many multi-agent systems (MASs) are situated in stochastic environments. Some such systems that are based on the partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) do not take the benevolence of other agents for granted. We propose a new POMDP-based framework which is general enough for the specification of a variety of stochastic MAS domains involving the impact of agents on each other's reputations. A unique feature of this framework is that actions are specified as either undirected (regular) or directed (towards a particular agent), and a new directed transition function is provided for modeling the effects of reputation in interactions. Assuming that an agent must maintain a good enough reputation to survive in the network, a planning algorithm is developed for an agent to select optimal actions in stochastic MASs. Preliminary evaluation is provided via an example specification and by determining the algorithm's complexity.

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