Emergent Mind

The Wisdom of the Network: How Adaptive Networks Promote Collective Intelligence

Published May 12, 2018 in cs.SI and physics.soc-ph


Social networks continuously change as new ties are created and existing ones fade. It is widely noted that our social embedding exerts a strong influence on what information we receive and how we form beliefs and make decisions. However, most empirical studies on the role of social networks in collective intelligence have overlooked the dynamic nature of social networks and its role in fostering adaptive collective intelligence. It remains unknown (1) how network structures adapt to the attributes of individuals, and (2) whether this adaptation promotes the accuracy of individual and collective decisions. Here, we answer these questions through a series of behavioral experiments and supporting simulations. Our results reveal that social network plasticity in the presence of feedback, can adapt to biased and changing information environments, and produce collective estimates that are more accurate than their best-performing member. We explore two mechanisms that explain these results: (1) a global adaptation mechanism where the structural connectivity of the network itself changes such that it amplifies the estimates of high-performing members within the group; (2) a local adaptation mechanism where accurate individuals are more resistant to social influence, and therefore their initial belief is weighted in the collective estimate disproportionately. Thereby, our findings substantiate the role of social network plasticity and feedback as adaptive mechanisms for refining individual and collective judgments.

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