Emergent Mind

Reliable and Secure Multishot Network Coding using Linearized Reed-Solomon Codes

Published May 10, 2018 in cs.IT and math.IT


Multishot network coding is considered in a worst-case adversarial setting in which an omniscient adversary with unbounded computational resources may inject erroneous packets in up to $t$ links, erase up to $\rho$ packets, and wire-tap up to $\mu$ links, all throughout $\ell$ shots of a linearly-coded network. Assuming no knowledge of the underlying linear network code (in particular, the network topology and underlying linear code may be random and change with time), a coding scheme achieving zero-error communication and perfect secrecy is obtained based on linearized Reed-Solomon codes. The scheme achieves the maximum possible secret message size of $ \ell n\prime - 2t - \rho - \mu $ packets for coherent communication, where $ n\prime $ is the number of outgoing links at the source, for any packet length $ m \geq n\prime $ (largest possible range). By lifting this construction, coding schemes for non-coherent communication are obtained with information rates close to optimal for practical instances. The required field size is $ qm $, where $ q > \ell $, thus $ qm \approx \ell{n\prime} $, which is always smaller than that of a Gabidulin code tailored for $ \ell $ shots, which would be at least $ 2{\ell n\prime} $. A Welch-Berlekamp sum-rank decoding algorithm for linearized Reed-Solomon codes is provided, having quadratic complexity in the total length $n = \ell n\prime $, and which can be adapted to handle not only errors, but also erasures, wire-tap observations and non-coherent communication. Combined with the obtained field size, the given decoding complexity is of $ \mathcal{O}(n{\prime 4} \ell2 \log(\ell)2) $ operations in $ \mathbb{F}_2 $.

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