Emergent Mind


Based on phasor measurement units (PMUs), a synchronphasor system is widely recognized as a promising smart grid measurement system. It is able to provide high-frequency, high-accuracy phasor measurements sampling for Wide Area Monitoring and Control (WAMC) applications. However, the high sampling frequency of measurement data under strict latency constraints introduces new challenges for real time communication. It would be very helpful if the collected data can be prioritized according to its importance such that the existing quality of service (QoS) mechanisms in the communication networks can be leveraged. To achieve this goal, certain anomaly detection functions should be conducted by the PMUs. Inspired by the recent emerging edge-fog-cloud computing hierarchical architecture, which allows computing tasks to be conducted at the network edge, a novel PMU fog is proposed in this paper. Two anomaly detection approaches, Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), are evaluated in the PMU fog using the IEEE 16-machine 68-bus system. The simulation experiments based on Riverbed Modeler demonstrate that the proposed PMU fog can effectively reduce the data flow end-to-end (ETE) delay without sacrificing data completeness.

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