Emergent Mind


While graph-based collaborative filtering recommender systems have been introduced several years ago, there are still several shortcomings to deal with, the temporal information being one of the most important. The new link stream paradigm is aiming at extending graphs for correctly modelling the graph dynamics, without losing crucial information. We investigate the impact of such link stream features for recommender systems. by designing link stream features, that capture the intrinsic structure and dynamics of the data. We show that such features encode a fine-grained and subtle description of the underlying recommender system. Focusing on a traditional recommender system context, the rating prediction on the MovieLens20M dataset, we input these features along with some content-based ones into a gradient boosting machine (XGBoost) and show that it outperforms significantly a sole content-based solution. These encouraging results call for further exploration of this original modelling and its integration to complete state-of-the-art recommender systems algorithms. Link streams and graphs, as natural visualizations of recommender systems, can offer more interpretability in a time when algorithm transparency is an increasingly important topic of discussion. We also hope to sparkle interesting discussions in the community about the links between link streams and tensor factorization methods: indeed, they are two sides of the same object.

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