Emergent Mind


Spatio-temporal contexts are crucial in understanding human actions in videos. Recent state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Network (ConvNet) based action recognition systems frequently involve 3D spatio-temporal ConvNet filters, chunking videos into fixed length clips and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks. Such architectures are designed to take advantage of both short term and long term temporal contexts, but also requires the accumulation of a predefined number of video frames (e.g., to construct video clips for 3D ConvNet filters, to generate enough inputs for LSTMs). For applications that require low-latency online predictions of fast-changing action scenes, a new action recognition system is proposed in this paper. Termed "Weighted Multi-Region Convolutional Neural Network" (WMR ConvNet), the proposed system is LSTM-free, and is based on 2D ConvNet that does not require the accumulation of video frames for 3D ConvNet filtering. Unlike early 2D ConvNets that are based purely on RGB frames and optical flow frames, the WMR ConvNet is designed to simultaneously capture multiple spatial and short term temporal cues (e.g., human poses, occurrences of objects in the background) with both the primary region (foreground) and secondary regions (mostly background). On both the UCF101 and HMDB51 datasets, the proposed WMR ConvNet achieves the state-of-the-art performance among competing low-latency algorithms. Furthermore, WMR ConvNet even outperforms the 3D ConvNet based C3D algorithm that requires video frame accumulation. In an ablation study with the optical flow ConvNet stream removed, the ablated WMR ConvNet nevertheless outperforms competing algorithms.

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