Emergent Mind

Faster algorithms for counting subgraphs in sparse graphs

Published May 5, 2018 in cs.CC


Given a $k$-node pattern graph $H$ and an $n$-node host graph $G$, the subgraph counting problem asks to compute the number of copies of $H$ in $G$. In this work we address the following question: can we count the copies of $H$ faster if $G$ is sparse? We answer in the affirmative by introducing a novel tree-like decomposition for directed acyclic graphs, inspired by the classic tree decomposition for undirected graphs. This decomposition gives a dynamic program for counting the homomorphisms of $H$ in $G$ by exploiting the degeneracy of $G$, which allows us to beat the state-of-the-art subgraph counting algorithms when $G$ is sparse enough. For example, we can count the induced copies of any $k$-node pattern $H$ in time $2{O(k2)} O(n{0.25k + 2} \log n)$ if $G$ has bounded degeneracy, and in time $2{O(k2)} O(n{0.625k + 1} \log n)$ if $G$ has bounded average degree. These bounds are instantiations of a more general result, parameterized by the degeneracy of $G$ and the structure of $H$, which generalizes classic bounds on counting cliques and complete bipartite graphs. We also give lower bounds based on the Exponential Time Hypothesis, showing that our results are actually a characterization of the complexity of subgraph counting in bounded-degeneracy graphs.

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