Emergent Mind

Position Estimation of Camera Based on Unsupervised Learning

Published May 5, 2018 in cs.CV


It is an exciting task to recover the scene's 3d-structure and camera pose from the video sequence. Most of the current solutions divide it into two parts, monocular depth recovery and camera pose estimation. The monocular depth recovery is often studied as an independent part, and a better depth estimation is used to solve the pose. While camera pose is still estimated by traditional SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) methods in most cases. The use of unsupervised method for monocular depth recovery and pose estimation has benefited from the study of [1] and achieved good results. In this paper, we improve the method of [1]. Our emphasis is laid on the improvement of the idea and related theory, introducing a more reasonable inter frame constraints and finally synthesize the camera trajectory with inter frame pose estimation in the unified world coordinate system. And our results get better performance.

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