Emergent Mind

Machine learning regression on hyperspectral data to estimate multiple water parameters

Published May 3, 2018 in cs.CV , q-bio.QM , and stat.ML


In this paper, we present a regression framework involving several machine learning models to estimate water parameters based on hyperspectral data. Measurements from a multi-sensor field campaign, conducted on the River Elbe, Germany, represent the benchmark dataset. It contains hyperspectral data and the five water parameters chlorophyll a, green algae, diatoms, CDOM and turbidity. We apply a PCA for the high-dimensional data as a possible preprocessing step. Then, we evaluate the performance of the regression framework with and without this preprocessing step. The regression results of the framework clearly reveal the potential of estimating water parameters based on hyperspectral data with machine learning. The proposed framework provides the basis for further investigations, such as adapting the framework to estimate water parameters of different inland waters.

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