Emergent Mind

SaC2Vec: Information Network Representation with Structure and Content

Published Apr 27, 2018 in cs.SI and physics.soc-ph


Network representation learning (also known as information network embedding) has been the central piece of research in social and information network analysis for the last couple of years. An information network can be viewed as a linked structure of a set of entities. A set of linked web pages and documents, a set of users in a social network are common examples of information network. Network embedding learns low dimensional representations of the nodes, which can further be used for downstream network mining applications such as community detection or node clustering. Information network representation techniques traditionally use only the link structure of the network. But in real world networks, nodes come with additional content such as textual descriptions or associated images. This content is semantically correlated with the network structure and hence using the content along with the topological structure of the network can facilitate the overall network representation. In this paper, we propose Sac2Vec, a network representation technique that exploits both the structure and content. We convert the network into a multi-layered graph and use random walk and language modeling technique to generate the embedding of the nodes. Our approach is simple and computationally fast, yet able to use the content as a complement to structure and vice-versa. We also generalize the approach for networks having multiple types of content in each node. Experimental evaluations on four real world publicly available datasets show the merit of our approach compared to state-of-the-art algorithms in the domain.

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