Emergent Mind

MQGrad: Reinforcement Learning of Gradient Quantization in Parameter Server

Published Apr 22, 2018 in cs.LG and stat.ML


One of the most significant bottleneck in training large scale machine learning models on parameter server (PS) is the communication overhead, because it needs to frequently exchange the model gradients between the workers and servers during the training iterations. Gradient quantization has been proposed as an effective approach to reducing the communication volume. One key issue in gradient quantization is setting the number of bits for quantizing the gradients. Small number of bits can significantly reduce the communication overhead while hurts the gradient accuracies, and vise versa. An ideal quantization method would dynamically balance the communication overhead and model accuracy, through adjusting the number bits according to the knowledge learned from the immediate past training iterations. Existing methods, however, quantize the gradients either with fixed number of bits, or with predefined heuristic rules. In this paper we propose a novel adaptive quantization method within the framework of reinforcement learning. The method, referred to as MQGrad, formalizes the selection of quantization bits as actions in a Markov decision process (MDP) where the MDP states records the information collected from the past optimization iterations (e.g., the sequence of the loss function values). During the training iterations of a machine learning algorithm, MQGrad continuously updates the MDP state according to the changes of the loss function. Based on the information, MDP learns to select the optimal actions (number of bits) to quantize the gradients. Experimental results based on a benchmark dataset showed that MQGrad can accelerate the learning of a large scale deep neural network while keeping its prediction accuracies.

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