Emergent Mind

Finer Tight Bounds for Coloring on Clique-Width

Published Apr 21, 2018 in cs.CC and cs.DS


We revisit the complexity of the classical $k$-Coloring problem parameterized by clique-width. This is a very well-studied problem that becomes highly intractable when the number of colors $k$ is large. However, much less is known on its complexity for small, concrete values of $k$. In this paper, we completely determine the complexity of $k$-Coloring parameterized by clique-width for any fixed $k$, under the SETH. Specifically, we show that for all $k\ge 3,\epsilon>0$, $k$-Coloring cannot be solved in time $O*((2k-2-\epsilon){cw})$, and give an algorithm running in time $O*((2k-2){cw})$. Thus, if the SETH is true, $2k-2$ is the "correct" base of the exponent for every $k$. Along the way, we also consider the complexity of $k$-Coloring parameterized by the related parameter modular treewidth ($mtw$). In this case we show that the "correct" running time, under the SETH, is $O*({k\choose \lfloor k/2\rfloor}{mtw})$. If we base our results on a weaker assumption (the ETH), they imply that $k$-Coloring cannot be solved in time $n{o(cw)}$, even on instances with $O(\log n)$ colors.

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