Emergent Mind

Faster Evaluation of Subtraction Games

Published Apr 18, 2018 in cs.DS and math.NT


Subtraction games are played with one or more heaps of tokens, with players taking turns removing from a single heap a number of tokens belonging to a specified subtraction set; the last player to move wins. We describe how to compute the set of winning heap sizes in single-heap subtraction games (for an input consisting of the subtraction set and maximum heap size $n$), in time $\tilde O(n)$, where the $\tilde O$ elides logarithmic factors. For multi-heap games, the optimal game play is determined by the nim-value of each heap; we describe how to compute the nim-values of all heaps of size up to~$n$ in time $\tilde O(mn)$, where $m$ is the maximum nim-value occurring among these heap sizes. These time bounds improve naive dynamic programming algorithms with time $O(n|S|)$, because $m\le|S|$ for all such games. We apply these results to the game of subtract-a-square, whose set of winning positions is a maximal square-difference-free set of a type studied in number theory in connection with the Furstenberg-S\'ark\"ozy theorem. We provide experimental evidence that, for this game, the set of winning positions has a density comparable to that of the densest known square-difference-free sets, and has a modular structure related to the known constructions for these dense sets. Additionally, this game's nim-values are (experimentally) significantly smaller than the size of its subtraction set, implying that our algorithm achieves a polynomial speedup over dynamic programming.

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