Emergent Mind

Dual CNN Models for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation

Published Apr 16, 2018 in cs.CV


The unsupervised depth estimation is the recent trend by utilizing the binocular stereo images to get rid of depth map ground truth. In unsupervised depth computation, the disparity images are generated by training the CNN with an image reconstruction loss. In this paper, a dual CNN based model is presented for unsupervised depth estimation with 6 losses (DNM6) with individual CNN for each view to generate the corresponding disparity map. The proposed dual CNN model is also extended with 12 losses (DNM12) by utilizing the cross disparities. The presented DNM6 and DNM12 models are experimented over KITTI driving and Cityscapes urban database and compared with the recent state-of-the-art result of unsupervised depth estimation. The code is available at: https://github.com/ishmav16/Dual-CNN-Models-for-Unsupervised-Monocular-Depth-Estimation.

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