Emergent Mind


Face multi-attribute prediction benefits substantially from multi-task learning (MTL), which learns multiple face attributes simultaneously to achieve shared or mutually related representations of different attributes. The most widely used MTL convolutional neural network is heuristically or empirically designed by sharing all of the convolutional layers and splitting at the fully connected layers for task-specific losses. However, it is improper to view all low and mid-level features for different attributes as being the same, especially when these attributes are only loosely related. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-attribute tensor correlation neural network (MTCN) for face attribute prediction. The structure shares the information in low-level features (e.g., the first two convolutional layers) but splits that in high-level features (e.g., from the third convolutional layer to the fully connected layer). At the same time, during high-level feature extraction, each subnetwork (e.g., Age-Net, Gender-Net, ..., and Smile-Net) excavates closely related features from other networks to enhance its features. Then, we project the features of the C9 layers of the fine-tuned subnetworks into a highly correlated space by using a novel tensor correlation analysis algorithm (NTCCA). The final face attribute prediction is made based on the correlation matrix. Experimental results on benchmarks with multiple face attributes (CelebA and LFWA) show that the proposed approach has superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods.

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