Emergent Mind

Quantum Dynamics with the Parallel Transport Gauge

Published Apr 6, 2018 in math.NA , cs.NA , and physics.comp-ph


The dynamics of a closed quantum system is often studied with the direct evolution of the Schrodinger equation. In this paper, we propose that the gauge choice (i.e. degrees of freedom irrelevant to physical observables) of the Schrodinger equation can be generally non-optimal for numerical simulation. This can limit, and in some cases severely limit the time step size. We find that the optimal gauge choice is given by a parallel transport formulation. This parallel transport dynamics can be simply interpreted as the dynamics driven by the residual vectors, analogous to those defined in eigenvalue problems in the time-independent setup. The parallel transport dynamics can be derived from a Hamiltonian structure, thus suitable to be solved using a symplectic and implicit time discretization scheme, such as the implicit midpoint rule, which allows the usage of a large time step and ensures the long time numerical stability. We analyze the parallel transport dynamics in the context of the singularly perturbed linear Schrodinger equation, and demonstrate its superior performance in the near adiabatic regime. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method using numerical results for linear and nonlinear Schrodinger equations, as well as the time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) calculations for electrons in a benzene molecule driven by an ultrashort laser pulse.

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