Emergent Mind

TipsC: Tips and Corrections for programming MOOCs

Published Apr 2, 2018 in cs.AI and cs.CY


With the widespread adoption of MOOCs in academic institutions, it has become imperative to come up with better techniques to solve the tutoring and grading problems posed by programming courses. Programming being the new 'writing', it becomes a challenge to ensure that a large section of the society is exposed to programming. Due to the gradient in learning abilities of students, the course instructor must ensure that everyone can cope up with the material, and receive adequate help in completing assignments while learning along the way. We introduce TipsC for this task. By analyzing a large number of correct submissions, TipsC can search for correct codes resembling a given incorrect solution. Without revealing the actual code, TipsC then suggests changes in the incorrect code to help the student fix logical runtime errors. In addition, this also serves as a cluster visualization tool for the instructor, revealing different patterns in user submissions. We evaluated the effectiveness of TipsC's clustering algorithm on data collected from previous offerings of an introductory programming course conducted at IIT Kanpur where the grades were given by human TAs. The results show the weighted average variance of marks for clusters when similar submissions are grouped together is 47% less compared to the case when all programs are grouped together.

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