Emergent Mind

Learning Environmental Sounds with Multi-scale Convolutional Neural Network

Published Mar 25, 2018 in cs.SD and eess.AS


Deep learning has dramatically improved the performance of sounds recognition. However, learning acoustic models directly from the raw waveform is still challenging. Current waveform-based models generally use time-domain convolutional layers to extract features. The features extracted by single size filters are insufficient for building discriminative representation of audios. In this paper, we propose multi-scale convolution operation, which can get better audio representation by improving the frequency resolution and learning filters cross all frequency area. For leveraging the waveform-based features and spectrogram-based features in a single model, we introduce two-phase method to fuse the different features. Finally, we propose a novel end-to-end network called WaveMsNet based on the multi-scale convolution operation and two-phase method. On the environmental sounds classification datasets ESC-10 and ESC-50, the classification accuracies of our WaveMsNet achieve 93.75% and 79.10% respectively, which improve significantly from the previous methods.

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