Emergent Mind

The Delta-calculus: syntax and types

Published Mar 26, 2018 in cs.LO


We present the Delta-calculus, an explicitly typed lambda-calculus with strong pairs, projections and explicit type coercions. The calculus can be parametrized with different intersection type theories T, e.g. the Coppo-Dezani, the Coppo-Dezani-Salle', the Coppo-Dezani-Venneri and the Barendregt-Coppo-Dezani ones, producing a family of Delta-calculi with related intersection type systems. We prove the main properties like Church-Rosser, unicity of type, subject reduction, strong normalization, decidability of type checking and type reconstruction. We state the relationship between the intersection type assignment systems ala Curry and the corresponding intersection type systems a la Church by means of an essence function translating an explicitly typed Delta-term into a pure lambda-term one. We finally translate a Delta-term with type coercions into an equivalent one without them; the translation is proved to be coherent because its essence is the identity. The generic Delta-calculus can be parametrized to take into account other intersection type theories as the ones in the Barendregt et al. book.

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