Emergent Mind

Database Perspectives on Blockchains

Published Mar 15, 2018 in cs.DB


Modern blockchain systems are a fresh look at the paradigm of distributed computing, applied under assumptions of large-scale public networks. They can be used to store and share information without a trusted central party. There has been much effort to develop blockchain systems for a myriad of uses, ranging from cryptocurrencies to identity control, supply chain management, etc. None of this work has directly studied the fundamental database issues that arise when using blockchains as the underlying infrastructure to manage data. The key difference between using blockchains to store data and centrally controlled databases is that transactions are accepted to a blockchain via a consensus mechanism. Hence, once a user has issued a transaction, she cannot be certain if it will be accepted. Moreover, a yet unaccepted transaction cannot be retracted by the user, and may be appended to the blockchain in the future. This causes difficulties as the user may wish to reissue a transaction, if it was not accepted. Yet this data may then become appended twice to the blockchain. In this paper we present a database perspective on blockchains by introducing formal foundations for blockchains as a storage layer that underlies a database. The main issue that we tackle is uncertainty in transaction appending that is a result of the consensus mechanism. We study two flavors of transaction appending problems: (1) the complexity of determining whether it is possible for a denial constraint to be contradicted, given the state of the blockchain, pending transactions, and integrity constraints and (2) the complexity of generating transactions that are mutually (in)consistent with given subsets of pending transactions. Solving these problems is critical to ensure that users can issue transactions consistent with their intentions. Finally, we chart important directions for future work.

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