Emergent Mind

Domain Adaptation on Graphs by Learning Aligned Graph Bases

Published Mar 14, 2018 in stat.ML and cs.LG


A common assumption in semi-supervised learning with graph models is that the class label function varies smoothly on the data graph, resulting in the rather strict prior that the label function has low-frequency content. Meanwhile, in many classification problems, the label function may vary abruptly in certain graph regions, resulting in high-frequency components. Although the semi-supervised estimation of class labels is an ill-posed problem in general, in several applications it is possible to find a source graph on which the label function has similar frequency content to that on the target graph where the actual classification problem is defined. In this paper, we propose a method for domain adaptation on graphs motivated by these observations. Our algorithm is based on learning the spectrum of the label function in a source graph with many labeled nodes, and transferring the information of the spectrum to the target graph with fewer labeled nodes. While the frequency content of the class label function can be identified through the graph Fourier transform, it is not easy to transfer the Fourier coefficients directly between the two graphs, since no one-to-one match exists between the Fourier basis vectors of independently constructed graphs in the domain adaptation setting. We solve this problem by learning a transformation between the Fourier bases of the two graphs that flexibly ``aligns'' them. The unknown class label function on the target graph is then reconstructed such that its spectrum matches that on the source graph while also ensuring the consistency with the available labels. The proposed method is tested in the classification of image, online product review, and social network data sets. Comparative experiments suggest that the proposed algorithm performs better than recent domain adaptation methods in the literature in most settings.

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