Emergent Mind

Point Location in Dynamic Planar Subdivisions

Published Mar 12, 2018 in cs.CG


We study the point location problem on dynamic planar subdivisions that allows insertions and deletions of edges. In our problem, the underlying graph of a subdivision is not necessarily connected. We present a data structure of linear size for such a dynamic planar subdivision that supports sublinear-time update and polylogarithmic-time query. Precisely, the amortized update time is $O(\sqrt{n}\log n(\log\log n){3/2})$ and the query time is $O(\log n(\log\log n)2)$, where $n$ is the number of edges in the subdivision. This answers a question posed by Snoeyink in the Handbook of Computational Geometry. When only deletions of edges are allowed, the update time and query time are just $O(\alpha(n))$ and $O(\log n)$, respectively.

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