Emergent Mind

GPU Accelerated Self-join for the Distance Similarity Metric

Published Mar 12, 2018 in cs.DC and cs.DB


The self-join finds all objects in a dataset within a threshold of each other defined by a similarity metric. As such, the self-join is a building block for the field of databases and data mining, and is employed in Big Data applications. In this paper, we advance a GPU-efficient algorithm for the similarity self-join that uses the Euclidean distance metric. The search-and-refine strategy is an efficient approach for low dimensionality datasets, as index searches degrade with increasing dimension (i.e., the curse of dimensionality). Thus, we target the low dimensionality problem, and compare our GPU self-join to a search-and-refine implementation, and a state-of-the-art parallel algorithm. In low dimensionality, there are several unique challenges associated with efficiently solving the self-join problem on the GPU. Low dimensional data often results in higher data densities, causing a significant number of distance calculations and a large result set. As dimensionality increases, index searches become increasingly exhaustive, forming a performance bottleneck. We advance several techniques to overcome these challenges using the GPU. The techniques we propose include a GPU-efficient index that employs a bounded search, a batching scheme to accommodate large result set sizes, and a reduction in distance calculations through duplicate search removal. Our GPU self-join outperforms both search-and-refine and state-of-the-art algorithms.

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