Emergent Mind

Cross-domain Recommendation via Deep Domain Adaptation

Published Mar 8, 2018 in cs.LG , cs.CL , and cs.IR


The behavior of users in certain services could be a clue that can be used to infer their preferences and may be used to make recommendations for other services they have never used. However, the cross-domain relationships between items and user consumption patterns are not simple, especially when there are few or no common users and items across domains. To address this problem, we propose a content-based cross-domain recommendation method for cold-start users that does not require user- and item- overlap. We formulate recommendation as extreme multi-class classification where labels (items) corresponding to the users are predicted. With this formulation, the problem is reduced to a domain adaptation setting, in which a classifier trained in the source domain is adapted to the target domain. For this, we construct a neural network that combines an architecture for domain adaptation, Domain Separation Network, with a denoising autoencoder for item representation. We assess the performance of our approach in experiments on a pair of data sets collected from movie and news services of Yahoo! JAPAN and show that our approach outperforms several baseline methods including a cross-domain collaborative filtering method.

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