Emergent Mind

Generative Modeling of Multimodal Multi-Human Behavior

Published Mar 6, 2018 in cs.RO and cs.HC


This work presents a methodology for modeling and predicting human behavior in settings with N humans interacting in highly multimodal scenarios (i.e. where there are many possible highly-distinct futures). A motivating example includes robots interacting with humans in crowded environments, such as self-driving cars operating alongside human-driven vehicles or human-robot collaborative bin packing in a warehouse. Our approach to model human behavior in such uncertain environments is to model humans in the scene as nodes in a graphical model, with edges encoding relationships between them. For each human, we learn a multimodal probability distribution over future actions from a dataset of multi-human interactions. Learning such distributions is made possible by recent advances in the theory of conditional variational autoencoders and deep learning approximations of probabilistic graphical models. Specifically, we learn action distributions conditioned on interaction history, neighboring human behavior, and candidate future agent behavior in order to take into account response dynamics. We demonstrate the performance of such a modeling approach in modeling basketball player trajectories, a highly multimodal, multi-human scenario which serves as a proxy for many robotic applications.

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