Emergent Mind

INSPECTRE: Privately Estimating the Unseen

Published Feb 28, 2018 in cs.DS , cs.CR , cs.IT , cs.LG , math.IT , math.ST , and stat.TH


We develop differentially private methods for estimating various distributional properties. Given a sample from a discrete distribution $p$, some functional $f$, and accuracy and privacy parameters $\alpha$ and $\varepsilon$, the goal is to estimate $f(p)$ up to accuracy $\alpha$, while maintaining $\varepsilon$-differential privacy of the sample. We prove almost-tight bounds on the sample size required for this problem for several functionals of interest, including support size, support coverage, and entropy. We show that the cost of privacy is negligible in a variety of settings, both theoretically and experimentally. Our methods are based on a sensitivity analysis of several state-of-the-art methods for estimating these properties with sublinear sample complexities.

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