Emergent Mind

Joint Task Assignment and Wireless Resource Allocation for Cooperative Mobile-Edge Computing

Published Feb 7, 2018 in eess.SP , cs.IT , and math.IT


This paper studies a multi-user cooperative mobile-edge computing (MEC) system, in which a local mobile user can offload intensive computation tasks to multiple nearby edge devices serving as helpers for remote execution. We focus on the scenario where the local user has a number of independent tasks that can be executed in parallel but cannot be further partitioned. We consider a time division multiple access (TDMA) communication protocol, in which the local user can offload computation tasks to the helpers and download results from them over pre-scheduled time slots. Under this setup, we minimize the local user's computation latency by optimizing the task assignment jointly with the time and power allocations, subject to individual energy constraints at the local user and the helpers. However, the joint task assignment and wireless resource allocation problem is a mixed-integer non-linear program (MINLP) that is hard to solve optimally. To tackle this challenge, we first relax it into a convex problem, and then propose an efficient suboptimal solution based on the optimal solution to the relaxed convex problem. Finally, numerical results show that our proposed joint design significantly reduces the local user's computation latency, as compared against other benchmark schemes that design the task assignment separately from the offloading/downloading resource allocations and local execution.

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