Emergent Mind

Coded Caching with Heterogeneous Cache Sizes and Link Qualities: The Two-User Case

Published Feb 8, 2018 in cs.IT and math.IT


Centralized coded caching problem is studied for the two-user scenario, considering heterogeneous cache capacities at the users and private channels from the server to the users, in addition to a shared channel. Optimal caching and delivery strategies that minimize the worst-case delivery latency are presented for an arbitrary number of files. The converse proof follows from the sufficiency of file-index-symmetric caching and delivery codes, while the achievability is obtained through memory-sharing among a number of special memory capacity pairs. The optimal scheme is shown to exploit the private link capacities by transmitting part of the corresponding user`s request in an uncoded fashion. When there are no private links, the results presented here improve upon the two known results in the literature, namely, i) equal cache capacities and arbitrary number of files; and ii) unequal cache capacities and $N=2$ files. The results are then extended to the caching problem with heterogeneous distortion requirements.

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