Emergent Mind

On The Hardness of Approximate and Exact (Bichromatic) Maximum Inner Product

Published Feb 7, 2018 in cs.CC and cs.DS


In this paper we study the (Bichromatic) Maximum Inner Product Problem (Max-IP), in which we are given sets $A$ and $B$ of vectors, and the goal is to find $a \in A$ and $b \in B$ maximizing inner product $a \cdot b$. Max-IP is very basic and serves as the base problem in the recent breakthrough of [Abboud et al., FOCS 2017] on hardness of approximation for polynomial-time problems. It is also used (implicitly) in the argument for hardness of exact $\ell2$-Furthest Pair (and other important problems in computational geometry) in poly-log-log dimensions in [Williams, SODA 2018]. We have three main results regarding this problem. First, we study the best multiplicative approximation ratio for Boolean Max-IP in sub-quadratic time. We show that, for Max-IP with two sets of $n$ vectors from ${0,1}{d}$, there is an $n{2 - \Omega(1)}$ time $\left( d/\log n \right){\Omega(1)}$-multiplicative-approximating algorithm, and we show this is conditionally optimal, as such a $\left(d/\log n\right){o(1)}$-approximating algorithm would refute SETH. Second, we achieve a similar characterization for the best additive approximation error to Boolean Max-IP. We show that, for Max-IP with two sets of $n$ vectors from ${0,1}{d}$, there is an $n{2 - \Omega(1)}$ time $\Omega(d)$-additive-approximating algorithm, and this is conditionally optimal, as such an $o(d)$-approximating algorithm would refute SETH [Rubinstein, STOC 2018]. Last, we revisit the hardness of solving Max-IP exactly for vectors with integer entries. We show that, under SETH, for Max-IP with sets of $n$ vectors from $\mathbb{Z}{d}$ for some $d = 2{O(\log{*} n)}$, every exact algorithm requires $n{2 - o(1)}$ time. With the reduction from [Williams, SODA 2018], it follows that $\ell2$-Furthest Pair and Bichromatic $\ell_2$-Closest Pair in $2{O(\log{*} n)}$ dimensions require $n{2 - o(1)}$ time.

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