Emergent Mind

Optimal Data Reduction for Graph Coloring Using Low-Degree Polynomials

Published Feb 6, 2018 in cs.CC and cs.DS


The theory of kernelization can be used to rigorously analyze data reduction for graph coloring problems. Here, the aim is to reduce a q-Coloring input to an equivalent but smaller input whose size is provably bounded in terms of structural properties, such as the size of a minimum vertex cover. In this paper we settle two open problems about data reduction for q-Coloring. First, we obtain a kernel of bitsize $O(k{q-1}\log{k})$ for q-Coloring parameterized by Vertex Cover, for any q >= 3. This size bound is optimal up to $k{o(1)}$ factors assuming NP is not a subset of coNP/poly, and improves on the previous-best kernel of size $O(kq)$. We generalize this result for deciding q-colorability of a graph G, to deciding the existence of a homomorphism from G to an arbitrary fixed graph H. Furthermore, we can replace the parameter vertex cover by the less restrictive parameter twin-cover. We prove that H-Coloring parameterized by Twin-Cover has a kernel of size $O(k{\Delta(H)}\log k)$. Our second result shows that 3-Coloring does not admit non-trivial sparsification: assuming NP is not a subset of coNP/poly, the parameterization by the number of vertices n admits no (generalized) kernel of size $O(n{2-e})$ for any e > 0. Previously, such a lower bound was only known for coloring with q >= 4 colors.

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