Emergent Mind


Recently, great progress has been made for online handwritten Chinese character recognition due to the emergence of deep learning techniques. However, previous research mostly treated each Chinese character as one class without explicitly considering its inherent structure, namely the radical components with complicated geometry. In this study, we propose a novel trajectory-based radical analysis network (TRAN) to firstly identify radicals and analyze two-dimensional structures among radicals simultaneously, then recognize Chinese characters by generating captions of them based on the analysis of their internal radicals. The proposed TRAN employs recurrent neural networks (RNNs) as both an encoder and a decoder. The RNN encoder makes full use of online information by directly transforming handwriting trajectory into high-level features. The RNN decoder aims at generating the caption by detecting radicals and spatial structures through an attention model. The manner of treating a Chinese character as a two-dimensional composition of radicals can reduce the size of vocabulary and enable TRAN to possess the capability of recognizing unseen Chinese character classes, only if the corresponding radicals have been seen. Evaluated on CASIA-OLHWDB database, the proposed approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art whole-character modeling approach with a relative character error rate (CER) reduction of 10%. Meanwhile, for the case of recognition of 500 unseen Chinese characters, TRAN can achieve a character accuracy of about 60% while the traditional whole-character method has no capability to handle them.

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