Emergent Mind


In recent years, Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) have emerged as a powerful method for learning the mapping from noisy latent spaces to realistic data samples in high-dimensional space. So far, the development and application of GANs have been predominantly focused on spatial data such as images. In this project, we aim at modeling of spatio-temporal sensor data instead, i.e. dynamic data over time. The main goal is to encode temporal data into a global and low-dimensional latent vector that captures the dynamics of the spatio-temporal signal. To this end, we incorporate auto-regressive RNNs, Wasserstein GAN loss, spectral norm weight constraints and a semi-supervised learning scheme into InfoGAN, a method for retrieval of meaningful latents in adversarial learning. To demonstrate the modeling capability of our method, we encode full-body skeletal human motion from a large dataset representing 60 classes of daily activities, recorded in a multi-Kinect setup. Initial results indicate competitive classification performance of the learned latent representations, compared to direct CNN/RNN inference. In future work, we plan to apply this method on a related problem in the medical domain, i.e. on recovery of meaningful latents in gait analysis of patients with vertigo and balance disorders.

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